OVER Journal is a new periodical publication and online platform that proposes its readers a more wholesome, honest, and critical observation and enjoyment of Photography. Publishing commissioned texts and artworks alongside interviews and opinion pieces, it aims to create the ideal channel for an open and global discussion about the context in which the discipline sits, and not just about the output of artists, exhibiting venues, and publishing houses.

OVER Journal critically focuses on aspects often overlooked that affect the discipline, zooming out to observe the whole scene, to analyse what exactly is happening, what power relationships are at play. It is about preventing the repetition of obsolete and flawed structures, as much as highlighting the work of those who constructively are expanding what we still call Photography into new horizons. More than a portfolio magazine, it is a space for reflection on new practices, new ways of thinking, shining a light wherever needed.

Our interest in energising a critical engagement with Photography and Visual Culture, Cultural Studies, and Critical Thinking —to collectively question the world we persistently represent to ourselves— motivated PhotoIreland since 2009 to develop a variety of short and long-term projects. Our work has manifested in a yearly Photography festival, a public resource photobook library, an Art bookshop, various publishing ventures, a print fair, Art residencies such as How to Flatten a Mountain, and a space for critical research called the Critical Academy. Adding to these, since 2015 we have gained valuable experience participating in various European Union co-funded projects. It is then not by chance that OVER Journal comes into being.

Editorial team

Julia Gelezova

Aidan Kelly Murphy

Ángel Luis González Fernández

Peer Review Panel


Daniel Boetker-Smith


Dr. Justin Carville (IE), Alejandro Castellote (ES), Dr. Mohini Chandra (IN-FJ), Irina Chmyreva (RU), Yining He (CH), Tanvi Mishra (IN), Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh (GH), and Niclas Östlind (SE).

Our Stay Open Call policy

OVER Journal is a new periodical publication and online platform that proposes its readers a more wholesome, honest, and critical observation and enjoyment of Photography. Publishing commissioned texts and artworks alongside interviews and opinion pieces, it aims to create the ideal channel for an open and global discussion about the context in which the discipline sits, and not just about the output of artists, exhibiting venues, and publishing houses.

So, no deadlines: submissions are open, ongoing and free. We pay fees to all contributors.

How can I contribute?

Call for papers

Call for articles

Call for works



Artwords, Broadway, London (UK)
Artwords, Riv St, London (UK)
Athenaeum, Amsterdam (NL)
Cahier Central, Paris (FR)
Carla Sozzani Editore, Milan (IT)
Charlotte St News, London (UK)
Do You Read Me, Berlin (DE)
Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin (IE)
Earl of East, London (UK)
Frab’s Mags, Forli (IT)
Fulham News, London (UK)
Good News, London (UK)
IMS Antwerp (BE)
IMS Bookstore Hasselt (BE)
Indigo & Cloth, Dublin (IE)
Lorem (not Ipsum), Zurich (CH)
Magalleria, Bath (UK)
Magazine Brighton, Brighton (UK)
MagCulture, London (UK)
Magma, Covent Garden, London (UK)
Magma, Manchester (UK)
Magnum News, London (UK)
Mags.cz, Brno (CZ)
Print Matters, Zurich (CH)
Rainbow News, London (UK)
Rare Mags, Stockport (UK)
Reading Room, Milan (IT)
Ripe Mags, Glasgow (UK)
Rococo News, London (UK)
Rosa Wolf, Berlin (DE)
Shreeji News, London (UK)
Stack Mags, online, London (UK)
The Bookend, Brighton (UK)
The Library Project, Dublin (IE)
Unique Magazines, Newcastle (UK)
Village, Leeds (UK)


All American News, California
Avril 50, Philadelphia
Big Little News, Seattle
Canyon News, California
Centrefold News, Los Angeles
Century World News, Los Angeles
Fog City News/Ups, San Francisco
Kosher News, Los Angeles
Larchmont Above The Fold,
Politics & Prose, Washington
Skylight Books, Los Angeles
Smoke Signals, San Francisco
What’s News News, California
20019 Sheltam Newsstand, Los Angeles

Rest of the world:

Basheer Graphic, Singapore (SG)
Daikanyama Tsutaya Books, Tokyo (JP)
Garage, Moscow (RU)
Ginza Tsutaya Books Aoyama Book Center, Tokyo (JP)
Ka Koncept, Hồ Chí Minh (VN)
LMDS, Shanghai (CN)
More More Artbook, Shanghai (CN)
Podipisne, St Petersburg (RU)
Sina, Jiangzhu (CN)
Unobtainium, Bandung (ID)

Global Distribution

Ra & Olly Ltd.

7A Arwenack Street, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 3HZ, UK


+44 (0)1326 319 119

If you have any questions, get in touch at info@overjournal.org